Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cherokee Harvest Fest half marathon

This is another race that I'd been wanting to do but hadn't been able to fit it into my schedule until this year. I'd heard they had great swag, and they didn't disappoint me!

Brad ran the 5K and I did the half with a friend from high school and a co-Bootlegger.

The course was beautiful, and mostly flat. The first part is along the river and even into the National Park where we saw an elk. Marty and I were expecting to be around the same pace, so I stayed with him, even when I wanted to slow down. :) 

In the course description they said it was flat except for one hill at mile 6. That's mostly true, but that hill is pretty huge, all the way up to the Unto These Hills theater. I did enjoy the Cherokee drummers playing at the top. The second half was mostly rolling, but there were a few hills that were a little tough. Then a gradual downhill back to Acquoni Rd and the finish line.


And a new PR at 1:43:11. Yay! Now time to slow down...

I had also heard that they had great post-race food, but it was even better than I expected. It was catered by Harrah's - soup and brownies made with butternut squash and black beans, granola, all kinds of fruit, and smoothies. Yum. 

Another great event by Glory Hound events!

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